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Session 3: The Worg Awaits

The Party

Fundar - Holy Hobbit of the Great Imbiber

Radovic - Street Mage from Eastgate

Armond - Fighter and Animal Trainer from the Circus

Rook - Armond's war dog

James - hireling newb who wants to be an adventurer

After their conquest of the grimlocks, Fundar and Radovic kept to the river and arrived at Hounds Head three days later. The hamlet straddled a creek, eight new buildings looked at home within the forest that crowded around them. With backpacks heavy with Northman artifacts and silver treasures they visited The Scroll Stack, and met Blake and his dog Red. After selling, sharing information, and a secret revealed, Blake sold them maps to a suspected location of a Chanter Cult reviving and the possibility of magic located at the Ruins of Wolf Creek. After some deliberation they decided Wolf Creek would be their better option.

They went to the Angry Priest Inn to see who stood along the wall to be hired. The pickings were slim. A man dressed in leather with sword and whip at hip and a war dog at his feet. The second in tattered armor and a sling tucked into his belt. Both were hired. After exchange of food and drink, Fundar roused the crowd with requiring story and paying with drink.

In the morning the party traveled to the west. At the edge of the forest the trees and ground were coated with a viscus, transparent goo that had the smell of sulfur. Radovic knew he could use it to add a fire element to his Magic Missile spell. As he gathered the component three gelatinous humanoid-like creatures shambled into view. Arrow and oil were used. Armond took one down with his sword, but watched as the creature rise from the ground. Those that were burned stayed down.

As the creek curve southwest the party saw a chimney over the trees. The party looked to the map and saw they had arrived.

They chose to go straight for the worg. They surmised that the creature must possess the treasure they sought. Up the hill they climbed, noting a strange creature within the creek feeding off the stones. Rook snarled and frothed. The war hound barely contained itself. As they reached a cave in the hillside, the opening large enough for the holy hobbit and war hound to enter, the humans would need to crawl inside. From inside they heard a boy, "help. help me. its going to eat me." As they attempted to enter, a boulder fell from atop the cave squishing the holy hobbit. A worg stood over them.

Armond and Rook dashed around and up to greet the worg as Radovic prayed a quick healing potion would save his friend. It did. Barely. Armond stopped in his tracks as the worg spoke, "what do you want?" Armond stood stunned. The worg sat, bored. "What is that you want human?" As the others joined the conversation the worg told them he did not have the magic they sought. "Check the ruins where the humans lived. And make sure you bring me back something nice. As the worg finished his offer fifteen other wolves slipped out of the darkness of the forest.

"What is your name?" the holy hobbit dared to ask.

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